Thursday, January 31, 2008

We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet

This past Sunday, I attended a meeting for all the priestholders of our stake. I have attended meetings like these in the past and have found them to be sparsely attended, generally speaking. This Sunday, in contrast, there was a sizable turnout.

As I entered the Stake Center to find a seat, a saw familiar faces from my ward. I ended up sitting down next to the President of my Elder’s Quorum, Tommy Friel. As I seated myself, he leaned over and asked if I had heard the news.

“What news?” I asked.

“The Prophet passed away today.”

“Oh, no,” I said. I had not heard that news

Later in the meeting, one of the speakers related a similar response when he received the news from his wife. Her response was, “What do you mean, ‘Oh no!’ He has to be the happiest man on earth.”

I suppose he is.

But I will miss him. This man who I have never met, but I have come to know as a true prophet of the Lord. Gordon B. Hinckley.

I had hoped that at the priesthood meeting we would have sung “We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet.” We didn’t, but I sang the words of the song in my mind, in tribute to a man we have grown to respect, admire, and love.

Yes, we thank thee oh God for a Prophet.

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