Sunday, March 9, 2008

A new calling...

Today, I was set apart as the first counselor in the Elder's Quorum for my ward. Willie Bejosa was called as Elder's Quorum president and Walter Clark was called as second counselor.

I accepted the calling a week ago, but mum was the word. Until today.

On hand in EQ today was our Stake President George Kaluhiokalani who set apart Brother Bejosa. Brother Bert Oshiro of the stake high council set apart Brother Clark and me.

Not long ago, I was set apart as the 4th Sunday teacher in our EQ. Being a new convert to the church, I thought that calling was beyond my means and ability. Here I was brand new to the church and being called to teach brethren who had served missions and had been LDS all their lives. What an order!

Over time, I've become a better teacher and have come to be comfortable in that calling which, from what I've heard, is about the time the Lord will deem it necessary for a new calling. So there may be something to being eternally uncomfortable.

But I've come to learn that Heavenly Father will give callings that will challenge us and help us grow and progress. And I pray that I can meet the challenge of my new calling and progress and grow.


Michael Alfano said...

I just found your blog as I'm prepping for a Sacrament talk for Easter Sunday. Congratulations on your new calling, I'm the 2nd counselor in our EQ.

Michael A.
Elk Grove, CA

R & T Gilchrist said...

Just a quick question for you. What is the difference between being called as a first counselor or a second counselor? Are they different at all?

Would appreciate your response!

Ryan Gilchrist