Friday, February 29, 2008

The Blessings of the Relief Society

On Wednesday, my wife had to go into the hospital for surgery on her knee, the result of damage done from a car accident a couple months ago. The surgery went well and she was able to come home, albeit in some pain, that same day.

We got home around 5 p.m. and as I was assisting my wife from the car to the house, Sister Fabian Heloca-Kaulukukui pulls up to make sure my wife was okay and also to deliver a dessert of baklava. Half an hour later, knocking on our front door was Janice Ahuna, a sister from our ward. She had been dispatched by the Relief Society of our ward to prepare dinner for our family. Thanks to Sister Ahuna and her family, we enjoyed a dinner of shoyu chicken, rice, steamed vegetables, potato salad, and a dessert that looked like an asparagus seedling in a cup of soil (but was actually chocolate pudding and crushed oreo cookies) [see pic at left].

The next night, dinner was prepared and delivered by the Dawn and Ray Shimata (meatloaf, rice, tossed salad).

And tonight, the Gary and Lola Kau brought us a dinner of potato casserole, a vegetable salad, and pineapple upside down cake.

All I can say is bless them every one. And I thank thee O God for the Relief Society and good folks of our ward.

Photo credit:

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